The Story


The first two railway sections, from Carrara to Miseglia and La Piastra and from Avenza to the seaside, were inaugurated in August 1876. As reported in an article written on 21st August 1876 in the newspaper "La Nazione","La Ferrovia Marmifera" expanded on a route of about 20 Km with inclines varying from 32 to 58 cm.The 5km from Avenza to Carrara were a branch of the railway line of North Italy and the society of our "ferrovia marmifera" enjoyed the right of way. The events regarding the subsequent finishing of the railway were rather complicated. However we must think of the boldness of the plan and the difficulties that the impressive and steep sides of the Apuan Alps opposed to the ambitious will of the man. By that time the way was traced and it was necessary that most of the Apuan marbles could come down the mountain by the railway. The discussion regarding the methods to carry out the new way had begun since 1880. They had to reach the important basins of Ravaccione, Fantiscritti and Colonnata. A first project, drawn up by the technicians Turchi and Simonetti of the same society expected the presence of many inclined planes which certainly would have slowed down the run and required a lot of working.

Instead the base of the final project was traced in 1885 by the engineer Sartorio, another technician of the society, on the base of the experience stored in years of exercise.

Carrara Monterosso Station

Marmifera out of Torano Station

Il Comune di Carrara | La Provincia | La Regione Toscana